ZPure Ultra Gas purifiers



The ZPure Ultra Purifiers are designed for use when extremely pure gas is critical to the application such as in the microelelctronics and semiconductors industry.


The ZPure Ultra Purifiers are designed for use when extremely pure gas is critical to the application such as in the microelectronics and semiconductors industry.

These high-quality filters are constructed of 316 stainless steel for maximum purity with an electropolished surface finish. They contain a 0.003 μm outlet particle filter, have long lifetimes, and can reach outlet purity to the ppb levels.

The ZPure Ultra Purifiers come standard with 1/4” metal gasket seal fittings for superior leak ratings.

The ZPure Ultra is offered in 2 types of moisture removing media, 3A or 5A; and another for hydrocarbon removal from the source gas.




Contaminants Removed

Item Number



Moisture 3A


Moisture 5A






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